Monday, 20 September 2010


[Whoops, sorry if you're looking for football blather here. As Dr Zep has pointed out below, this should have ended up on my political blog. Isn't life strange...]

Here's how the save the environment: not by listening to the cries of rich 'environmentalists' like George Monbiot calling on us all to wear hair shirts while they fly around the world on expensive photo-ops looking concerned.

The answer will be business ideas like this brilliant new design for a family car which re-engineer how we live by redesigning our lives so that we keep our hard won freedoms like mobility in the shape of the family car but we still have the opportunity to reduce our impact on the planet and - crucially - reduce our costs. Everyone loves a bargain and ideas like this provide 'win-win' solutions.

Environmentalism is to a large extent middle class snake oil which regrettably hides an important message. Ideas like this brilliant car concept blow the fear-mongers away. Bring them on.


  1. Bit of a tangent from your usual football missives or have you mixed up your blogs mate?


  2. Too right. Do you know, I wondered where this post had got to...If I had brains I'd be Deputy Prime Minister.

  3. That depends, how good are you at following flat pack furniture instruction?

  4. I have no idea what you mean but I bet its really funny...;-)
