Sunday, 27 June 2010


I opened this up to express my utter contempt for this so-called 'golden generation' of England players, as I have been doing for some time. I forgot my post from yesterday about the Ghana-USA game. What a difference.

If these pampered oafs weren't playing for my country I might not mind. But they were. Add to that the insult of them coming off the pitch to profess their commitment and desire to win. Pull the other one, it plays the German national anthem.

They were pathetic. They are pathetic. As long as they are overpaid and falsely idolised in the Premiership they will remain pathetic whenever they come up against proper international opposition.

As for Wayne Rooney, he's a joke. Credited with supposed Brazilian skill, his inclusion was laughable. To murder Oscar Wilde, to play appallingly in one World Cup game may be regarded as unfortunate; to play that badly in three beggars belief that the manager could be so dumb that he thinks this no mark should play again. Why oh why couldn't Peter Crouch start? What was Capello thinking?

The only way England can win in future is if they spread the net for talent more widely. The Championship may not have these supposed 'stars' but it does have players who demonstrate a bit more desire and perhaps a bit more humility if they get it wrong.

The other thing England need is a manager who can work the England team. Poor Fabio Capello is used to Italians and Spanish players who give a damn. How can he possibly work with our catwalk nancies. I hope he walks away for his sake and for England's. The problem is, little Davey Beckham is lining himself up to take over. I'm not sure he's got it.

The European Championship qualifiers will begin in September and I'm pretty much decided that I won't bother watching unless the team changes root and branch. I look forward to the new football league season at the Kasam where I can watch players who play football and play together. Keep the Premiership: I'm happy with league two.

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